iPrimary - Also known as International Primary is Years 1 to 6 in the Edexcel curriculum
On this page you will find information regarding Year 6 four core subjects curriculum. All information available on this page is directly sourced from Pearson Edexcel.
iPrimary: Year 6 English Curriculum
Qualification aims and objectives
The Pearson Edexcel International Primary Award in English requires students to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of the following skills, drawn from Year 6 of the Pearson Edexcel iPrimary English Curriculum.
Read and respond to different types of non fiction and fiction texts
Read and respond to texts showing good understanding
Acquire a variety of vocabulary and show understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading and writing
Write with clarity and accuracy, adapting language and style to suit different purposes and contexts.
Assessment Overview
Section A: Reading
Section B: Grammar and Punctuation
Section C: Writing
iPrimary: Year 6 Science Curriculum
Qualification aims and objectives
The sciences are taught in ways that ensure that students have the knowledge to enable them to develop curiosity about the natural world, insight into working scientifically, and appreciation of the relevance of science to their everyday lives, so that they develop:
Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in the areas of biology, chemistry and physics
Understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiry, which helps them to answer scientific questions on the world around them
Learning of how to apply observational, practical and enquiry-based skills to the world around them
Their ability to begin to evaluate claims based on science through analysis of methods, evidence and conclusions, both qualitative and quantitative.
Assessment Overview
Section A: Biology
Feeding relationships
Variation and classification
Growing plants
Plant adaptations
Plant life cycles
Heart, lungs and circulation
Section B: Chemistry
Solids, liquids and gases
Mixing and separating materials
Reversible and irreversible changes
Section C: Physics
Electricity: everyday uses and simple circuits
Seeing and reflecting
Electricity: changing circuits
Earth and space
Forces in air and water
iPrimary: Year 6 Mathematics Curriculum
Qualification aims and objectives
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply formulae, terminology and facts with increasing speed and accuracy
Demonstrate detailed understanding of mathematical procedures, notations and concepts, apply detailed understanding of mathematical procedures, notations and concepts to given contexts
Present and organise data in a variety of forms with limited guidance, interpret information from graphs, tables, charts and lists and draw conclusions. Use a logical approach to make decisions on mathematical processes to solve real-life problems
Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Assessment Overview
Section A: Numbers
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Four operations
Fractions and decimals
Ratio and proportion
Section B: Algebra
Expressions and formulae
Section C: Geometry
Position and direction
Section D: Statistics
Using and interpreting data
iPrimary: Year 6 Computing Curriculum
Qualification aims and objectives
The International Award in Primary Computing aims to ensure that all students:
Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
Can analyze problems in computational terms and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
Assessment Overview
Section A: Computer Science
Problem solving: algorithms, decomposition and abstraction
Programming and development
Computers: hardware and software
Communications and networks
Section B: Digital Technology
Bigger Picture
Information technology
Software skills: word processing
Software skills: data base management
Software skills: spreadsheets
Software skills: Presentation
Software skills: Graphics
Software skills: File handling